Thursday, December 19, 2013

Danger of Christian Karma during the charitable Season of Christmas

Many of you - as we have recently done at SCC - have just recently completed filling bags for the hungry to receive a Christmas meal, purchased a Christmas gift for a child who has an incarcerated parent, or even assembled your family to collectively "give back" during this holiday season.

Speaking from a wealth of charitable experience, Peter Greer, President/CEO of Hope International gives us in this brief interview a prophetic warning and opens up about his own "buying-in" to Christian Karma (ie. if I do good, God has no choice but to bless me). These lines alone are well worth the read:
The only antidote that enables us to truly sustain our service is to constantly remember that our service is downstream from the gospel. We fight hopelessness and discouragement by constantly returning to the Cross and the empty tomb. Then we get to work loving our neighbors in response to the grace we've already experienced.
YES! "Constantly returning to the cross" - something I have to tell myself about a dozen times a day for my love to last and with pure, God-ward intentions.

May God richly bless your blessing others this Christmas as you return & respond to the greatest blessing of all - the bottomless fuel of the grace of God expressed through the cross of Christ and the empty tomb. 

1 comment:

  1. Autobiographic tale of my twenty years in the Korean unifying movement of the self-styled reverend Sun Myung Moon: the Unification Church. The moonies environment! A recognition in the language denoted of plagiarism and self plagiarism, that characterize the interpersonal transaction in the mystical micro-cults. Strategies “no profit” to recycle a remarkable massive amount of money, deriving by philanthropic fundraising, in normal activities “full profit”. The secrets of the fundraising and sales “door to door”. Entirely transposed by my time in the more articulate, picturesque mystical enterprise of the history: the Moon’s sect! The cleverest fraud of the history.
